1. General Configuration
The general configuration section includes the framework settings, MySQL settings, and custom functions for vehicle modifications.
Customize = {
Framework = "NewESX", -- QBCore | ESX | NewESX | OldQBCore (Write the framework you used as in the example)
Mysql = "oxmysql", -- oxmysql | ghmattimysql | mysql-async (Write the sql script you use as in the example)
RepairPrice = 250,
CustomFunction = function(Vehicle, Porps)
-- TriggerServerEvent('UpdateVehicleModifications', string.gsub(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(Vehicle), '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1'), exports['esc_carsave']:GetVehicleModifications(Vehicle))
JobErrorNotify = function()
print("profession mismatch")
MoneyErrorNotify = function()
print("No money received!")
OpenCustoms = function()
-- exports['script-hud']:SetHudVisibility(false)
CloseCustoms = function()
-- exports['script-hud']:SetHudVisibility(true)
2. RGB and Standard Color Customization
Define the RGB and standard color options for vehicle customization.
CustomizeRGBColor = {
['Primary'] = true,
['Secondary'] = true,
['Xenon'] = true,
['Neon'] = true,
CustomizeColor = {
{Label = "Chrome", ID = 120},
{Label = "Black", ID = 0},
{Label = "Carbon Black", ID = 147},
{Label = "Graphite", ID = 1},
{Label = "Anhracite Black", ID = 11},
{Label = "Black Steel", ID = 2},
{Label = "Dark Steel", ID = 3},
{Label = "Silver", ID = 4},
{Label = "Bluish Silver", ID = 5},
{Label = "Rolled Steel", ID = 6},
{Label = "Shadow Silver", ID = 7},
{Label = "Stone Silver", ID = 8},
{Label = "Midnight Silver", ID = 9},
{Label = "Cast Iron Silver", ID = 10},
{Label = "Red", ID = 27},
{Label = "Torino Red", ID = 28},
{Label = "Formula Red", ID = 29},
{Label = "Lava Red", ID = 150},
{Label = "Blaze Red", ID = 30},
{Label = "Grace Red", ID = 31},
{Label = "Garnet Red", ID = 32},
{Label = "Sunset Red", ID = 33},
{Label = "Cabernet Red", ID = 34},
{Label = "Wine Red", ID = 143},
{Label = "Candy Red", ID = 35},
{Label = "Hot Pink", ID = 135},
{Label = "Pfsiter Pink", ID = 137},
{Label = "Salmon Pink", ID = 136},
{Label = "Sunrise Orange", ID = 36},
{Label = "Orange", ID = 38},
{Label = "Bright Orange", ID = 138},
{Label = "Gold", ID = 99},
{Label = "Bronze", ID = 90},
{Label = "Yellow", ID = 88},
{Label = "Race Yellow", ID = 89},
{Label = "Dew Yellow", ID = 91},
{Label = "Dark Green", ID = 49},
{Label = "Racing Green", ID = 50},
{Label = "Sea Green", ID = 51},
{Label = "Olive Green", ID = 52},
{Label = "Bright Green", ID = 53},
{Label = "Gasoline Green", ID = 54},
{Label = "Lime Green", ID = 92},
{Label = "Midnight Blue", ID = 141},
{Label = "Galaxy Blue", ID = 61},
{Label = "Dark Blue", ID = 62},
{Label = "Saxon Blue", ID = 63},
{Label = "Blue", ID = 64},
{Label = "Mariner Blue", ID = 65},
{Label = "Harbor Blue", ID = 66},
{Label = "Diamond Blue", ID = 67},
{Label = "Surf Blue", ID = 68},
{Label = "Nautical Blue", ID = 69},
{Label = "Racing Blue", ID = 73},
{Label = "Ultra Blue", ID = 70},
{Label = "Light Blue", ID = 74},
{Label = "Chocolate Brown", ID = 96},
{Label = "Bison Brown", ID = 101},
{Label = "Creeen Brown", ID = 95},
{Label = "Feltzer Brown", ID = 94},
{Label = "Maple Brown", ID = 97},
{Label = "Beechwood Brown", ID = 103},
{Label = "Sienna Brown", ID = 104},
{Label = "Saddle Brown", ID = 98},
{Label = "Moss Brown", ID = 100},
{Label = "Woodbeech Brown", ID = 102},
{Label = "Straw Brown", ID = 99},
{Label = "Sandy Brown", ID = 105},
{Label = "Bleached Brown", ID = 106},
{Label = "Schafter Purple", ID = 71},
{Label = "Spinnaker Purple", ID = 72},
{Label = "Midnight Purple", ID = 142},
{Label = "Bright Purple", ID = 145},
{Label = "Cream Purple", ID = 107},
{Label = "Frost White", ID = 112},
-- Matte
{Label = "Black", ID = 12},
{Label = "Gray", ID = 13},
{Label = "Light Gray", ID = 14},
{Label = "Ice White", ID = 131},
{Label = "Blue", ID = 83},
{Label = "Dark Blue", ID = 82},
{Label = "Midnight Blue", ID = 84},
{Label = "Midnight Purple", ID = 149},
{Label = "Schafter Purple", ID = 148},
{Label = "Red", ID = 39},
{Label = "Dark Red", ID = 40},
{Label = "Orange", ID = 41},
{Label = "Yellow", ID = 42},
{Label = "Lime Green", ID = 55},
{Label = "Green", ID = 128},
{Label = "Forest Green", ID = 151},
{Label = "Foliage Green", ID = 155},
{Label = "Olive Darb", ID = 152},
{Label = "Dark Earth", ID = 153},
{Label = "Desert Tan", ID = 154},
-- Metals
{Label = "Brushed Steel", ID = 117},
{Label = "Brushed Black Steel", ID = 118},
{Label = "Brushed Aluminum", ID = 119},
{Label = "Pure Gold", ID = 158},
{Label = "Brushed Gold", ID = 159},
3. Vehicle Customization Options
Define the customization options available for vehicles, including performance and cosmetic upgrades.
CustomizeCustoms = {
['Performance'] = {
{ ID = 11, Name = 'Engine', Label = 'Engine #', Image = 'Engine.svg', Price = {0,1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 12, Name = 'Brakes', Label = 'Brakes #', Image = 'Brakes.svg', Price = {0,1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 13, Name = 'transmission', Label = 'transmission #', Image = 'Transmission.svg', Price = {0,1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 15, Name = 'suspension', Label = 'suspension #', Image = 'Suspension.svg', Price = {0,1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 16, Name = 'armor', Label = 'armor #', Image = 'Armor.svg', Price = {0,1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 18, Name = 'turbo', Label = 'turbo #', Image = 'Turbo.svg', Price = {0,1200}},
['VehicleCustomisation'] = {
{ ID = 0, Name = 'spoiler', Label = 'spoiler #', Image = 'Spoiler.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 4, Name = 'Exhaust', Label = 'Exhaust #', Image = 'Exhaust.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 29, Name = 'Dashboard', Label = 'Dashboard #', Image = 'Dashboard.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 28, Name = 'Ornaments', Label = 'Ornaments #', Image = 'Ornaments.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 48, Name = 'Livery', Label = 'Livery #', Image = 'Livery.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 10, Name = 'Roof', Label = 'Roof #', Image = 'Roof.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 5, Name = 'Roll Cage', Label = 'Roll Cage #', Image = 'RollCage.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 25, Name = 'Vanity Plates', Label = 'Vanity Plates #', Image = 'Plates.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 6, Name = 'Grille', Label = 'Grille #', Image = 'Grille.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 1, Name = 'Front Bumper', Label = 'Front Bumper #', Image = 'FrontBumper.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 2, Name = 'Rear Bumper', Label = 'Rear Bumper #', Image = 'RearBumper.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 3, Name = 'Side Skirt', Label = 'Side Skirt #', Image = 'SideSkirt.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 7, Name = 'Hood', Label = 'Hood #', Image = 'Hood.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 8, Name = 'Left Fender', Label = 'Left Fender #', Image = 'Fender.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 9, Name = 'Right Fender', Label = 'Right Fender #', Image = 'Fender.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 27, Name = 'Trim A', Label = 'Trim A #', Image = 'Trim.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 30, Name = 'Dial', Label = 'Dial #', Image = 'Dial.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 31, Name = 'Door Speaker', Label = 'Door Speaker #', Image = 'DoorSpeaker.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 32, Name = 'Seats', Label = 'Seats #', Image = 'Seats.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 33, Name = 'Steering Wheel', Label = 'Steering Wheel #', Image = 'SteeringWheel.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 34, Name = 'Shifter Leaver', Label = 'Shifter Leaver #', Image = 'ShifterLeaver.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 35, Name = 'Plaque', Label = 'Plaque #', Image = 'Plaque.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 36, Name = 'Speaker', Label = 'Speaker #', Image = 'Speaker.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 37, Name = 'Trunk', Label = 'Trunk #', Image = 'Spoiler.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 38, Name = 'Hydraulic', Label = 'Hydraulic #', Image = 'Hydraulic.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 39, Name = 'Engine Block', Label = 'Engine Block #', Image = 'EngineBlock.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 40, Name = 'Air Filter', Label = 'Air Filter #', Image = 'AirFilter.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 41, Name = 'Strut', Label = 'Strut #', Image = 'Strut.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 42, Name = 'Arch Cover', Label = 'Arch Cover #', Image = 'Roof.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 43, Name = 'Aerial', Label = 'Aerial #', Image = 'Roof.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 44, Name = 'Trim B', Label = 'Trim B #', Image = 'Trim.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 45, Name = 'Fuel Tank', Label = 'Fuel Tank #', Image = 'FuelTank.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 46, Name = 'Window', Label = 'Window #', Image = '.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 14, Name = 'Horn', Label = 'Horn #', Image = 'Horn.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
{ ID = 23, Name = 'Front Wheels', Label = 'Front Wheels #', Image = 'WheelColour.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400}},
['Plate'] = { ID = 'Plate', Name = 'Plates', Image = 'Plates.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400,2800,4350}},
['WindowTintOptions'] = { Load = { { ID = 0, Label = 'Window', Price = 200}, { ID = 3, Label = 'Lightsmoke', Price = 250}, { ID = 2, Label = 'Darksmoke', Price = 320}, { ID = 1, Label = 'Pure Black', Price = 380}, }, Name = 'Window Tint', Label = 'Window Tint', Image = 'WindowTint.svg' },
['Extras'] = { ID = 'Extras', Name = 'Extras', Label = 'Extras #', Image = 'Extras.svg', Price = {1200,1700,2100,2400,2800,4350}},
['Neons'] = { Load = { { ID = 2, Label = 'Front Neon', Price = 200}, { ID = 3, Label = 'Rear Neon', Price = 250}, { ID = 0, Label = 'Left Neon', Price = 320}, { ID = 1, Label = 'Right Neon', Price = 380} }, Name = 'Neons', Label = 'Neons', Image = 'Neon.svg' },
['Xenons'] = { Load = { { ID = 1, Label = 'Xenon Farver', Price = 400}, { ID = 0, Label = 'Forlygter', Price = 20}, }, Name = 'Xenons', Label = 'Xenons', Image = 'Xenons.svg' },
['Pearlescent'] = { Name = 'Pearlescent Colours', Label = 'Pearlescent Colours', Image = 'PearlescentColor.svg', Price = 100 },
['Dashboard'] = { Name = 'Dashboard Colours', Label = 'Dashboard Colours', Image = 'DashboardColor.svg', Price = 100 },
['Interior'] = { Name = 'Interior Colours', Label = 'Interior Colours', Image = 'InteriorColour.svg', Price = 100 },
['Wheel'] = { Name = 'Wheel Colours', Label = 'Wheel Colours', Image = 'WheelColour.svg', Price = 100 }
4. Custom Shop Locations
Define the locations for your custom vehicle shops, including blip settings and vehicle spawn positions.
Customs = {
BlipPos = vector3(318.44, -232.77, 53.37), -- Represents NPC and Blip location
BlipLabel = "Customs", -- Specifies the name to appear on the map
BlipSprite = 643, -- (
BlipDisplay = 4, -- (
BlipScale = 0.8, -- Sets icon size
BlipColour = 18, -- (
BlipDisplay = true,
VehOpenCustoms = { -- Location where the car will be picked up from the Customs
[1] = vector3(326.07, -241.48, 53.92),
[2] = vector3(318.63, -232.05, 53.96),
[3] = vector3(327.83, -212.17, 53.54),
Jobs = {'all'}
BlipPos = vector3(110.93, 6626.27, 31.79), -- Represents NPC and Blip location
BlipLabel = "Customs", -- Specifies the name to appear on the map
BlipSprite = 643, -- (
BlipDisplay = 4, -- (
BlipScale = 0.8, -- Sets icon size
BlipColour = 18, -- (
BlipDisplay = true,
VehOpenCustoms = { -- Location where the car will be picked up from the Customs
[1] = vector3(110.93, 6626.27, 31.79),
Jobs = {'all'}
BlipPos = vector3(-211.56, -1324.37, 30.27), -- Represents NPC and Blip location
BlipLabel = "Customs", -- Specifies the name to appear on the map
BlipSprite = 643, -- (
BlipDisplay = 4, -- (
BlipScale = 0.8, -- Sets icon size
BlipColour = 18, -- (
BlipDisplay = true,
VehOpenCustoms = { -- Location where the car will be picked up from the Customs
[1] = vector3(-211.56, -1324.37, 30.27),
Jobs = {'all'}
5. Marker Configuration
Define the marker settings and interaction options for opening the customs menu.
CustomizeMarker = {
MarkerDistance = 12.0,
Marker = function(Position)
DrawMarker(20, Position.x, Position.y, Position.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 36, 97, 241, 150, false, false, false, 1, false, false, false)
DrawTextDisplay = false,
DrawText = function(Text, Position)
local text = "~g~ OPEN ~y~[E]~g~"
local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z+0.3)
local px, py, pz = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
SetTextScale(0.25, 0.25)
DrawText(_x, _y)
DrawRect(_x, _y + 0.0125, 0.015 + (string.len(text)) / 330, 0.03, 41, 11, 41, 68)
MarkerNuiOpenDistance = 2.0,
Open = function()
if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
return true
6. Framework and SQL Integration Functions
Functions to integrate the script with different frameworks like ESX, NewESX, and QBCore, and to execute SQL queries.
function GetFramework()
local Get = nil
if Customize.Framework == "ESX" then
while Get == nil do
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(Set) Get = Set end)
if Customize.Framework == "NewESX" then
Get = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
if Customize.Framework == "QBCore" then
Get = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
if Customize.Framework == "OldQBCore" then
while Get == nil do
TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(Set) Get = Set end)
return Get
function ExecuteSql(query)
local IsBusy = true
local result = nil
if Customize.Mysql == "oxmysql" then
if MySQL == nil then
exports.oxmysql:execute(query, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
MySQL.query(query, {}, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
elseif Customize.Mysql == "ghmattimysql" then
exports.ghmattimysql:execute(query, {}, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
elseif Customize.Mysql == "mysql-async" then
MySQL.Async.fetchAll(query, {}, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
while IsBusy do
return result
This guide helps you configure a custom vehicle modification shop in your FiveM server by providing detailed examples for general configuration, color options, customization settings, location setup, marker configuration, and integration functions. Customize each section to fit your server's needs and integrate these configurations into your GitBook documentation for clear and comprehensive instructions for your users.
Last updated