FiveM Car Shop Configuration FiveM Car Shop Setup FiveM Vehicle Shop Script FiveM Car Dealership Script FiveM Auto Shop Script FiveM Car Store Management FiveM Car Shop Customization FiveM Car Shop

Vehicle Configuration

This section includes definitions of vehicles and their related categories. Each category contains details like model, label, price, and category.

    -- Added New Category
    ['new_category'] = { 
        {model = 'bati', label = 'Bati', price = 1600, category = 'luxury'},
        {model = 'zentorno', label = 'Zentorno', price = 2600, category = 'luxury'},
        {model = 'sanchez', label = 'Sanchez', price = 3600, category = 'luxury'}, 


This section includes vehicle categories and the trunk capacity for each category.

Example Categories

['new_category'] = {
    {name = 'boats', trunk = '15'},
    {name = 'criminals', trunk = '25'},


This section defines the colors for each category. Each color is defined by its RGB values.

Example Colors

['new_category'] = {
    {R = 132, G = 131, B = 145},
    {R = 141, G = 82, B = 38},
    {R = 142, G = 148, B = 36},
    {R = 104, G = 146, B = 36},
    {R = 139, G = 80, B = 24},
    {R = 32, G = 87, B = 15},
    {R = 24, G = 144, B = 10},
    {R = 40, G = 143, B = 34},
    {R = 130, G = 18, B = 22},
    {R = 135, G = 35, B = 39},
    {R = 121, G = 19, B = 14},
    {R = 4, G = 32, B = 14},
    {R = 35, G = 35, B = 45},
    {R = 89, G = 25, B = 47},
    {R = 64, G = 62, B = 23},
    {R = 38, G = 46, B = 19},

Custom Camera

This section includes a function to customize the camera settings.

CustomizeCamera = function(self)
    isOpen = not self

Vehicle Fuel Level

This section includes a function to get the fuel level of a vehicle.

Config.GetVehFuel = function(Veh)
    return GetVehicleFuelLevel(Veh) -- exports["LegacyFuel"]:GetFuel(Veh)

Car Keys

This section includes a function to set the owner of a vehicle key.

Config.Carkeys = function(Plate)
    TriggerEvent('vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner', Plate)

Custom Plate

This section includes a function to customize the vehicle plate.

CustomizePlate = function()
    return string.upper(randomNumber(2) .. randomCharacter(3) .. randomNumber(3))


This section defines various locations for jobs and vehicle types.

Example Location

  -- Added Test Location
        job = 'jobname', -- Job type
        type = 'new_category', -- Car type
        coords = vector3(-57.9303, -1117.99, 25.433),
        hash = "a_m_o_soucent_01",
        heading = 170.00,
        marker = "CATEGORY MARKER NAME",
        blip = {
            active = true,
            name = "CATEGORY MARKER NAME",
            colour = 4,
            id = 56
        NuiCarViewSpawnPosition = vector4(-73.5, -822.0, 284.8, 201.5),
        NuiCarViewCameraPosition = {
            posX = -67.0,
            posY = -824.5,
            posZ = 285.5,
            rotX = -9.0,
            rotY = 0,
            rotZ = 74.0,
            fov = 45.00
        TestDriveTime = 60,
        TestDriveSpawnPosition = vector4(-874.34, -3226.6, 13.22, 60.82),
        BuyCarSpawnPositions = {
            [1] = vector4(-10.6716, -1096.76, 26.183, 100.5),
            [2] = vector4(-11.4883, -1099.59, 26.180, 100.5),
            [3] = vector4(-12.4124, -1102.35, 26.183, 100.5),
            [4] = vector4(-13.0040, -1105.23, 26.179, 100.5),
            [5] = vector4(-14.5665, -1108.37, 26.183, 100.5)

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