FiveM Case Configuration Guide


The configuration file allows you to set up various aspects of the system, such as the database, framework, and integration with Tebex and Discord.

Config File

Config = {}

Config.Tebex = false
Config.Log = "webhook add"
Config.MySQL = "mysql-async" -- mysql-async, oxmysql, or ghmattimysql
Config.Framework = "QBCore" -- QBCore, ESX, OLDQBCore, or NewESX

Config.FormattedToken = "discord-api" -- Add your Discord bot token from

Config.Garage = "qb-garages" -- For qb-garages select 'individual', for other garages select 'all'

Framework Setup

This function determines which framework you are using (QBCore, ESX, OLDQBCore, or NewESX) and fetches the shared object for that framework.

function GetFramework()
    local Get = nil
    if Config.Framework == "ESX" then
        while Get == nil do
            TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(Set) Get = Set end)
    if Config.Framework == "NewESX" then
        Get = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
    if Config.Framework == "QBCore" then
        Get = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
    if Config.Framework == "OldQBCore" then
        while Get == nil do
            TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(Set) Get = Set end)
    return Get

Discord Integration

These functions allow you to send requests to the Discord API and get user avatars.

function DiscordRequest(method, endpoint, jsondata)
    local data = nil
    PerformHttpRequest(""..endpoint, function(errorCode, resultData, resultHeaders)
        data = {data=resultData, code=errorCode, headers=resultHeaders}
    end, method, #jsondata > 0 and json.encode(jsondata) or "", {["Content-Type"] = "application/json", ["Authorization"] = "Bot " .. Config.FormattedToken})
    while data == nil do
    return data

function GetDiscordAvatar(userID)
    local response = DiscordRequest("GET", "users/"..userID, {})
    if response.code == 200 then
        local userData = json.decode(
        local avatarID = userData.avatar
        local avatarURL = string.format("", userID, avatarID)
        return avatarURL
        return nil

HTTP GET Request

This function allows you to make HTTP GET requests.

function HttpGet(url)
    local data = nil
    local error = nil

    PerformHttpRequest(url, function(err, result, headers)
        if err == 200 then
            data = json.decode(result)
            error = err
    end, 'GET')

    while data == nil and error == nil do

    return data, error

Case System Configuration

Define the system configurations for case categories, store gold section, and items that can be found in the case.

Config.System = {
    ["Case Categories"] = {
        {border = "premium", label = "Premium Case", category = "premium"},
        {border = "standard", label = "Basic Case", category = "standard"}
    ["Store Gold Section"] = {
        {price = 175},
        {price = 150},
        {price = 150},
        -- Add more entries as needed
    ["Items that can be found in the safe"] = {
        {id = "bag", border = "aqua"},
        {id = "hoodie", border = "green"},
        {id = "cash", border = "orange"},
        -- Add more items as needed

Live Cases

Define the items and categories for live cases.

Config.Live = {
        items = {
            {label = "Zentorno", item = "zentorno", size = 95, sell = 50, type = "car"},
            {label = "Apocalypse - 380", item = "zr380", size = 105, sell = 50, type = "car"},
            -- Add more items as needed
        category = "premium",
        price = 150,
        label = "Deluxe Cars",
        size = "105",
        icon = "car"
        items = {
            {label = "Ammo Pistol", item = "AMMO_PISTOL", size = 80, sell = 50, type = "item"},
            {label = "Ammo MG", item = "AMMO_MG", size = 80, sell = 50, type = "item"},
            -- Add more items as needed
        category = "premium",
        price = 150,
        label = "Ammo Case",
        size = "85",
        icon = "blue"
        items = {
            {label = "Money", item = "money", size = 65, sell = 50, type = "item"},
            {label = "Weed", item = "weed20g", size = 65, sell = 50, type = "item"},
            -- Add more items as needed
        category = "premium",
        price = 150,
        label = "Green Case",
        size = "83",
        icon = "green"
    -- Add more case definitions as needed

Standard Cases

Define the items and categories for standard cases.

Config.Standart = {
        items = {
            {label = "Zentorno", item = "zentorno", size = 95, sell = 50, type = "car"},
            {label = "Apocalypse - 380", item = "zr380", size = 105, sell = 50, type = "car"},
            -- Add more items as needed
        price = 150,
        label = "Car Case",
        size = 100,
        icon = "car"
        items = {
            {label = "Auto Shotgun", item = "WEAPON_AUTOSHOTGUN", size = 55, sell = 50, type = "item"},
            {label = "APP Pistol", item = "WEAPON_APPISTOL", size = 50, sell = 50, type = "item"},
            -- Add more items as needed
        price = 150,
        label = "Gun Case",
        size = 100,
        icon = "gun"
    -- Add more case definitions as needed


This guide provides the essential configurations and functions needed to set up your FiveM case system. Customize each section to fit your server's requirements and integrate these configurations into your documentation for clear and comprehensive instructions for your users.

Last updated